Violence and Veganism

I wholeheartedly agree with the principle that non-violence and veganism are essentially flip-sides of the same coin. But we also need to take JUSTICE into consideration. When veganism becomes an accepted norm, and enslaving, raping, torturing and murdering animals is viewed as criminal behavior (can’t believe I actually need to say that), there WILL be a lot of people who continue the abuses. These people deserve to be “dealt” with swiftly. Sometimes violence is required to stop violence. Plain and simple. I am committed to nonviolence and compassion, but I am certainly not ‘against’ violence if it is just.

Did anyone object to Allied forces killing Nazis to save innocents in WWII? If it would save lives down the road, would anyone object to killing a child molester who rapes and murders children?

Humans needlessly kill around 150 billion animals (combined land and marine life) every single year.

Now, of course, the question for many is whether or not animal life should be granted equal status to human life. Regardless of the subjective human definition of intelligence or “civilized” behavior, there is no denying animals have equal capacity to suffer, feel pain, feel loss, feel love, pleasure and affection; from elephants, to dogs, to fish. So, in short, regardless of whether or not fish can drive cars, they can, without a doubt, feel feelings.

If you still cling to the Neanderthal-ish principle of human dominance over other animals, consider this: for millennia, what species has committed rape, torture, murder, enslavement, and genocide, not only against members of other species, but against members of its own? What species has degraded the entirety of ocean life to a mere fraction of what it was only half a century ago, just to feed its apparently insatiable lust for aquatic animal flesh? What species allows its members who don’t accumulate enough paper called “money” to starve to death? What species places economic gain over basic ethics and morals? What is the only species to create industries and profit motives on account of its pitiful state of health, which could almost universally, easily, simply and affordably be mediated by changing dietary and lifestyle patterns?

Humans are not NEALRY as intelligent as we are too often led to believe by media, education institutions, politicians, etc…

It is often said that humans are the only ones who can make the world a better place, who can improve the living conditions for all of life, who can solve all of the world’s problems. Now, let me ask you this…. what species is responsible for creating these problems in the first place? Fish? Wolves? Pigs? Worms? Birds?

….THINK about it, and most importantly, FEEL about it….

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