
This says it all….

“Isn’t man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife – birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice, foxes, and dingoes – by the millions in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billions and eats them. This in turn kills man by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative – and fatal – health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man torturesĀ and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out a card praying for ‘Peace on Earth.'” (preface to Old MacDonald`s Factory Farm, by C. David Coats)

The RIGHT Focus

The #1 thing we, as a raw vegan/vegan community, need to focus on is getting people off animal products and on whole plant-foods, whether 100% raw or not.

The animal product industries are responsible for more death, suffering, destruction and deprivation than anything else BY FAR. We need to link arms and go straight for their jugulars, and bring these industries to their demises.

Does “fasting” slow your metabolism??

So this is a presumption made by some raw foodists and health advocates. Although I am by no means an expert on this subject, I can offer some real-world, real-time experience in aim to shed light on the matter.
Back in 2012 I had a VERY profound experience interning in Costa Rica at an extended water-fasting event with Dr. Douglas Graham, author of “The 80/10/10 Diet,” very popular among the raw food community.

Dr. Graham has decades of clinical experience with water-fasting. The stories he shared with us interns of healing and profound positive changes people have experienced from extended water-fasts (typically at least 20 days) are, well, profound. Many are jaw dropping. And most of these stories include desired weight-loss.

Ok, obviously if you don’t eat for 30 days you’re gonna lose weight. No shit? The issue here is whether or not the weight STAYS off. I know several people personally (from the 2012 internship) who have done extended fasts well beyond 20 days. ALL of them have managed to keep off the excess weight they initially lost, and athletes among them have even demonstrated improved athletic performance after the fasts.

I think the issue here is not so much fasting itself, but the conditions relative to the individual who is fasting. Let me explain to make this clearer:

So somebody who is overweight consuming the standard toxic western meat and dairy-based diet goes on a water or juice-fast for a week or so. Since their body is very unclean to start with, what sense would it make to dive straight into THE highest level of cleansing known to creation WITHOUT first going on a healthy raw-food diet for some time to clean out that way first? NONE. It would be like somebody trying to bench-lift 250lbs. when they can barely life the bar… Ā Since the person is very likely full of parasites and toxic substances, they’ll be ravenous by the time they decide to break the fast. In this case, the situation would be best described as a “binge & purge” event.. where the person would likely gorge themselves on the meat & dairy-based diet they had been consuming prior, which of course would result in gaining the lost weight back and probably additional weight on top of that.

Now let’s look at another scenario: let’s say the person going into the fast has been on a clean raw-food diet based on fresh fruits, herbs and veggies for several months before the fast. When this person breaks the fast, they will likely consume the healthy fruit & veggie-based diet they had before the fast, which, besides some glycogen and water weight, wouldn’t likely result in any unwanted weight-gain.

The latter has been the experience of several of my friends who are raw foodists, as they continue to thrive on the lifestyle months and years after their water fasts.

I think it’s also safe to say that the stress-factor comes into play heavily in regards to fasting. In other words, it wouldn’t be smart for somebody raising children and running a business to go on such a restrictive program, even if only for a week or so. An ideal fasting situation would be as completely devoid as possible of outside stressors, i.e. needy children, family obligations, business obligations, physical training, etc…

One of the main objectives of any fast is relaxation and time-out from the many stressors people unfortunately experience in the modern world. Today I broke a 3 and a half day all-liquid fast, which included nothing but distilled water and herbal teas, and so far I feel noticeably better than before I started. Earlier on I broke it with a fresh juice of apple, parsley, lemon, ginger, and cucumber, and just polished off over almost 2 liters of grapefruit juice. Later on after some yoga, I’ll have a big ass banana & pear smoothie, and maybe even a salad with some avocado.

So in summary, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water, eh? Always keep in mind the MANY variables to take into account regarding a fast.
If anyone has additional questions or comments, or wants clarification on anything, feel free to e-mail me at rmalta69@gmail.comĀ or leave a comment below.
Much, much love and respect,
